We all know that the digital spheres and world wide web are constantly changing. What we Marketers call “User Experience” looks a lot different now to what it did just a couple of years ago.
To give you an example of what we are talking about: You are highly likely signed up to Facebook or an Email provider. They update the look of their dashboards every now and then. For the first couple of times, you encounter the new look, you are probably confused or click on a wrong button. But it only takes you a few logins and you barely remember what it looked like before. (That’s if the update is well designed and thought through.)
So, what are we trying to say? Websites that keep up with trends and the evolution of the web and how it’s used, update their look and feel (= User Experience or short UX) so that their prospects will naturally know where to find the information, services or products they are after.
A few general examples would be: A logo is found in the top left corner and links to the home page. A search bar sits in the top right corner or if it’s the site's main tool in the centre. The footer contains a “Contact us” button. That is probably nothing new to you, right? There are some UX trends that aren’t as obvious or even hidden in the backend of a site. This article will give some food for thought on (re)evaluating your website. Plus a FREE guide summarising the 10 main things to consider for a great UX.
Our article “Do you need a new website?” outlines in depth how you can analyse if your web presence, which works as your digital business card is still one people want to hold on to if they come across it. To sum it up, you should consider a redesign if:
You want your website to be a strong salesman. It should be able to make contact with new prospects as well as leave your regular customer with a good experience and feeling every time they interact with you. Therefore, you need to be aware that designing UX is not a one-time expense. You train your salesmen and they learn from encounters with customers. Do the same with your website. You should include a review of its content and functionality at least once a year.
Some key things to consider when analysing your site are:
Search engines measure your website’s “quality” on different factors. The most recent Google Ranking Factors for 2021 are:
We know there are a lot of lists in this post, but they are here to show you how well-implemented SEO and greatly designed UX are working hand in hand. Users can’t experience your site if they can’t find it. And search engines are more likely to rank your site higher when your UX is performing.
One factor that shows that you’ve done a good job with designing your site is how long people are staying, which equals: Do they find what they need or are they bouncing back out? Think about it like this: How many clicks do they have to make to get from your home page to their goal? Do you show them all the important information right upfront? Do they know where and how to contact you for questions?
Make sure your digital salesman captures their attention and leads them quickly to where they want to be. Since in this online scenario a competing provider is right at their fingertips just a few clicks away.
Talking about information at your fingertips. There are multiple sources that help you to (re)design your website, update your SEO to the newest trends and even include GoogleAds into your strategy. Our experience shows that it’s doable without professional assistance, but not to recommend. One of the main reasons is that for everyone who is not “just” a marketer or web developer other priorities are always getting in the way. When it comes to staying on top of the digital age, there is not enough time to push updating your website or SEO to the side over and over again. That leads us to reason number two. Having to handle your usual job may it be running a business, or being a salesman, or planning a start-up you will not have enough time to keep up with how quickly the internet evolves while also fulfilling all your other tasks. The third reason why you should consider hiring a marketing agency is Money. Yes, hiring someone will cost you money first off. But it saves you money in the long run because you can fully concentrate on essential business activities; because you can skip the part where you learn from your mistakes; because you will receive training in updating your website once it’s designed. We are passionate about creating great customer experiences for our clients. And we have done more SEO adjustments than we can count. That’s what we do every day.
Get your hands on the free Website User Experience Guide we put together for you.
Keep this manual as a checklist for your next website review. If you stumble across a problem send us an email or give us a call.
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