Secrets to Successful Video Content Marketing

Everyone is familiar with video marketing in 2019. It has reached everyone that owns an electronic device. Smart phones, smart televisions and computers all over the world at some point have likely been targeted by video marketing, some so clever that you are forced to watch the video marketing message in between the cat video you have chosen to watch. At the risk of spending time watching some funny videos, scroll down…

Here are some impressive stats about video content today:

  • 80% of consumer internet traffic is video (Source: SmallBizTrends)
  • 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others (Source: RendrFx)
  • Social video generates 12 times the shares than text and images combined (Source: SmallBizTrends)
  • Video posts have 135% greater organic reach than photo posts (Source: SocialMediaToday)
  • 46, 000 years of YouTube content watched annually (Source: VentureBeat)
  • 1 billion hours of YouTube content watched daily (Source: Engadget)
  • Facebook generates 8 billion video views on average per day (Source: Social Media Today)
  • Companies using video enjoy 41% more web traffic from search than non-users (Source: SmallBizTrends)

Video content is clearly the focus of every marketing strategist right now, with good reason. DMM has compiled a list of things for you to consider while planning your video marketing campaign.

How do you make sure you have a successful video ?

1. Tell your story

The rules that apply to written online content also apply to video marketing. Content is king. DMM believe that disruptive marketing has changed the face of marketing. Inbound marketing can help your business grow. With that in mind, you can create video content that focuses on the story rather than selling to a potential customer. Make sure that your video is filled with emotion and information, along with a great call to action to help you to attract and convert your potential customers, using video.

2. 10 Seconds to say it all

The first ten seconds of your video is what counts. So get to your point, tell your story and do it fast! Try getting their curiosity going, so they will view beyond the first ten seconds. The best is to think in the mind of the client.  What content can you use to quickly communicate the solution to your clients problems.   Ask on behalf of the client “what’s in it for me (WIIFM)?” and try to answer that question in the hook at the beginning of the video.

3. Be funny

Don’t be afraid to be funny. Remember that your customer has yawned their way through your competitor’s sales pitch already. It won’t hurt if you can bring your message across with some clever and humorous content. It will set you apart from the rest and engage your potential customers. You can be funny and advertise your brand well at the same time – watch legendary actor/entrepreneur Ryan Reynolds give you a taste of how to do this in his quirky marketing video below:

Aviation American Gin ad by Ryan Reynolds

4. Optimize your video

Make sure you host your video on your own domain first. Embedding your video will help build your inbound links to your website. The second thing is to make sure your descriptions are well thought through and SEO friendly. Use your chosen keywords well within relevant and complete descriptions and unique titles. This video by Google Analytics might explain the point of using keywords well a little bit better:

Google Analytics in Real Life by Google Analytics

5. Purpose driven video

Video should not be solely for advertisements. There are a myriad of options to consider when creating your video content. DMM has discussed them in this comprehensive video blog here. YouTube reports a rise in people watching videos for educational purposes, and a rise in educational videos. Thus it stands to reason that the users dictate the content in some degree. It makes sense then to produce video that educates, entertains, informs, interacts or advertises. Before starting out decide on the audience and the purpose, then work from there to decide the message, the format and the platform to post the video. Be clear on your goals – don’t reinvent the stop sign!

The Process – Redesigning the stop sign


Video is a powerful tool in your content marketing arsenal. Building your video content is a way to stay current with the trends of social media and the rise of smart devices. It connects you with a new audience who might not have had the opportunity to engage with your company. It cannot be ignored any longer; the future of internet search and discovery is paved with video. Is it fair to say video killed the text search? Maybe not yet. There is still voice search to consider. But that is a story for another day.

Not sure where to get started on your video content marketing strategy?


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Dominic Frizzell

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